Laboratory 3 - Estimation, filtering and system identification - Prof. M. Taragna

Exercise 1: Parametric estimation of a resistance from current-voltage data stored in resistor_data_2.mat



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clear all, close all, clc


  1. Load the file resistor_data_2.mat containing the current-voltage data
  2. Plot the voltage measurements versus the current measurements
  3. Estimate the resistance using the Sample Mean algorithm
  4. Plot the estimated approximation versus the experimental data
  5. Define the noise variance matrix consistent with experimental data
  6. Estimate the resistance using the Least Squares algorithm
  7. Plot the estimated approximation versus the experimental data
  8. Estimate the resistance using the Gauss-Markov algorithm
  9. Plot the estimated approximation versus the experimental data
  10. Estimate the resistance using the Bayesian method
  11. Plot the estimated approximation versus the experimental data

Problem setup

% Step 1: load of data

load resistor_data_2.mat
% i = current measured in Ampere
% V = voltage measured in Volt

N = length(i); % N = number of data

% Step 2: plot of data

figure, plot(i,V,'ok'),
axis([min(i),max(i),0,45]), grid, title('Measured data and approximations'),
xlabel('Current{\it i} in A'), ylabel('Voltage{\it V} in V'),
legend('Measured data',4)

Estimation of the resistance using the Sample Mean algorithm

% Step 3: computation of the parameter estimate as mean of the R values
% derived from the Ohm's law for each couple of current-voltage data

R_SM = mean(V./i)   % Form #1: using the "mean" operator

R_SM_ = V'*(1./i)/N % Form #2: using the Sample Mean definition

% Step 4: graphical comparison of the results

V_SM = R_SM*i;
figure, plot(i,V,'ok', i,V_SM,'-b'),
axis([min(i),max(i),0,45]), grid, title('Measured data and approximations'),
xlabel('Current{\it i} in A'), ylabel('Voltage{\it V} in V'),
legend('Measured data','Sample Mean estimate',4)
R_SM =
R_SM_ =

Estimation of the resistance using the Least Squares algorithm

% Step 5: definition of the noise variance matrix consistent with data

sigma_e = 5;
Sigma_ee = sigma_e^2*eye(N); % Like with resistor_data_1.mat datafile

% From data plot, the 7-th sample is not consistent with the others,
% being highly corrupted. As a consequence, the weight of this sample
% should be reduced. This can be obtained by forcing a high value of
% the corresponding variance in the noise variance matrix, since each
% variance represents the measure uncertainty: a larger variance reduces
% the measure reliability. For example, instead of sigma_e^2 = 5^2,
% the value (5*sigma_e)^2 = 25^2 can be forced.
Sigma_ee(7,7) = (5*sigma_e)^2;

% Step 6: computation of the parameter estimate

R_LS=Phi\V   % Form #1: using the "\" operator (more realiable)

A=pinv(Phi); % more realiable than inv(Phi'*Phi)*Phi'
R_LS_=A*V    % Form #2: using the pseudoinverse matrix

Sigma_R_LS = pinv(Phi)*Sigma_ee*pinv(Phi)'

% Step 7: graphical comparison of the results

V_LS = R_LS*i;
figure, plot(i,V,'ok', i,V_SM,'-b', i,V_LS,'-r'),
axis([min(i),max(i),0,45]), grid, title('Measured data and approximations'),
xlabel('Current{\it i} in A'), ylabel('Voltage{\it V} in V'),
legend('Measured data','Sample Mean estimate','Least Squares estimate',4)
R_LS =
R_LS_ =
Sigma_R_LS =

Estimation of the resistance using the Gauss-Markov algorithm

% Step 8: computation of the parameter estimate
% Note that the Gauss-Markov estimate differs from the Least Squares
% estimate when different weights are used for the measurements

R_GM = inv(Phi'*inv(Sigma_ee)*Phi)*Phi'*inv(Sigma_ee)*V
Sigma_R_GM = inv(Phi'*inv(Sigma_ee)*Phi)

% Step 9: graphical comparison of the results

V_GM = R_GM*i;
figure, plot(i,V,'ok', i,V_SM,'-b', i,V_LS,'-r', i,V_GM,'--k'),
axis([min(i),max(i),0,45]), grid, title('Measured data and approximations'),
xlabel('Current{\it i} in A'), ylabel('Voltage{\it V} in V'),
legend('Measured data','Sample Mean estimate','Least Squares estimate',...
       'Gauss-Markov estimate',4)
R_GM =
Sigma_R_GM =

Estimation of the resistance using the Bayesian method

% Step 10: computation of the parameter estimate, assuming:
% - R_bar = a priori mean value of R = 3 (to be assumed early)
% - Sigma_RR = a priori variance of R = 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01 (to be assumed early)
% - V_bar = mean value of V = R_bar*i
% - Sigma_VV = Sigma_RR*i*i' + Sigma_ee
% - Sigma_RV = Sigma_RR*i'

R_bar = 3; % Try also with R_GM
Sigma_RR = [10, 1, 0.1, 0.01];
V_bar = R_bar*i;
for k=1:length(Sigma_RR),
    Sigma_VV = Sigma_RR(k)* i*i' + Sigma_ee;
    Sigma_RV = Sigma_RR(k)*i';
    R_B(k) = R_bar + Sigma_RV * inv(Sigma_VV) * (V-V_bar);
    Sigma_R_B(k) = Sigma_RV * inv(Sigma_VV) * Sigma_RV'; % estimate variance
    Sigma_R_minus_R_B(k) = Sigma_RR(k) - Sigma_R_B(k); % a posteriori variance
    V_B(:,k) = R_B(k)*i;
Sigma_RR, R_B, Sigma_R_B, Sigma_R_minus_R_B

% Step 11: graphical comparison of the results

figure, plot(i,V,'ok', i,V_SM,'-b', i,V_LS,'-r', i,V_GM,'--k', ...
             i,V_B(:,1),'-m', i,V_B(:,2),'--m', ...
             i,V_B(:,3),'-c', i,V_B(:,4),'--c'),
axis([min(i),max(i),0,45]), grid, title('Measured data and approximations'),
xlabel('Current{\it i} in A'), ylabel('Voltage{\it V} in V'),
legend('Measured data','Sample Mean estimate','Least Squares estimate',...
       'Gauss-Markov estimate', ...
       ['Bayesian estimate (\sigma_R^2=', num2str(Sigma_RR(1)),')'], ...
       ['Bayesian estimate (\sigma_R^2=', num2str(Sigma_RR(2)),')'], ...
       ['Bayesian estimate (\sigma_R^2=', num2str(Sigma_RR(3)),')'], ...
       ['Bayesian estimate (\sigma_R^2=', num2str(Sigma_RR(4)),')'],4)
Sigma_RR =
   10.0000    1.0000    0.1000    0.0100
R_B =
    3.4657    3.4520    3.3493    3.1067
Sigma_R_B =
    9.9663    0.9673    0.0747    0.0023
Sigma_R_minus_R_B =
    0.0337    0.0327    0.0253    0.0077